2020/12-至今, 兰州大学生命科学学院,教授
国家自然科学基金委面上项目:植物根际促生菌pseudomonas-fluorescems 2p24感受与影响类黄酮的分子机制研究,执行时间:2018/01-2021/12
国家自然科学基金委面上项目:2,4-dapg及mapg作为荧光假单胞菌信号分子的作用机制,执行时间:2020/01-2023/12 承担经费:22万
song y, zhang s, ye z, song y, chen l, tong a, he yx#, bao r#. the novel type ii toxin-antitoxin pacta modulates pseudomonas aeruginosa iron homeostasis by obstructing the dna-binding activity of fur. nucleic acids res. 2022 oct 14;50(18):10586-10600
zhang n, wu j, zhang s, yuan m, xu h, li j, zhang p, wang m, kempher ml, tao x, zhang lq, ge h#, he yx#. molecular basis for coordinating secondary metabolite production by bacterial and plant signaling molecules. j biol chem. 2022 jun;298(6):102027
li dy, han jt, zhang my, yan x, zhang n, ge h, wang z#, he yx#. the two-component system rsta/rstb regulates expression of multiple efflux pumps and influences anaerobic nitrate respiration in pseudomonas fluorescens. msystems. 2021 nov 2;6(6):e0091121
feng y, lu y, li j, zhang h, li z, feng h, deng x, liu d, shi t, jiang w, he yx#, zhang j#, wang z#. design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel o-aminobenzamide derivatives as potential anti-gastric cancer agents in vitro and in vivo. eur j med chem. 2022 jan 5;227:113888
song y*, zhang sp*, luo g, shen y, li c, zhu y, huang q, mou x, tang x, liu t, wu s, tong a, he yx#, bao r#. type ii antitoxin higa is a key virulence regulator in pseudomonas aeruginosa. acs infect dis. 2021 oct 8;7(10):2930-2940
han jt, zhu y, pan db, xue hx, wang s, peng y, liu h#, he yx#, yao x#. discovery of pentapeptide-inhibitor hits targeting fkbp51 by combining computational modeling and x-ray crystallography. comput struct biotechnol j. 2021 jul 21;19:4079-4091
zhang sp, feng hz, et al. feng hy#, he yx# proteomic analysis reveals the mechanism of different environmental stress -induced tolerance of pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 to monochloramine disinfection. j hazard mater. 2021 sep 5;417:126082.
han jt, li dy, zhang my, yu xq, jia xx, xu h, yan x, jia wj, niu s, kempher ml, tao x, he yx#. emhr is an indole-sensing transcriptional regulator responsible for the indole-induced antibiotic tolerance in pseudomonas fluorescens. environ microbiol. 2021 apr;23(4):2054-2069
li t*, song y*, et al. he yx, bao r. molecular basis of the versatile regulatory mechanism of htra-type protease algw from pseudomonas aeruginosa. mbio. 2021 feb 23;12(1):e03299-20.
song y, luo g, zhu y, li t, li c, he l, zhao n, zhao c, yang j, huang q, mu x, tang x, kang m, wu s, he yx#, bao r#. pseudomonas aeruginosa antitoxin higa functions as a diverse regulatory factor by recognizing specific pseudopalindromic dna motifs. environ microbiol. 2021 mar;23(3):1541-1558
zhang sp, feng hz, wang q, kempher ml, quan sw, tao x, niu s, wang y, feng hy#, he yx#. bacterial type ii toxin-antitoxin systems acting through post-translational modifications. comput struct biotechnol j. 2020 dec 11;19:86-93.
guo dd*, luo lm* et al. he yx# the regulator pltz regulates a novel antibiotic efflux pump pltijknop of pseudomonas aeruginosa atcc 27853 in response to the antimicrobial 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. front microbiol. 2020 jul 8;11:1423
yu xq*, yan x*. et al. he yx# flavonoids repress production of antifungal 2,4-dapg but potentially facilitate root colonization of the rhizobacterium pseudomonas fluorescens. environ microbiol. 2020 dec;22(12):5073-5089
zhang sp, wang q, quan sw, yu xq, wang y, guo dd, peng l, feng hy#, he yx# type ii toxin-antitoxin system in bacteria: activation, function and mode of action. biophysical reports. 2020
na m, zhang s, liu j, ma s, han y, wang y, he yx, chen h, chen x. determination of pathogenic bacteria-bacillus anthrax spores in environmental samples by ratiometric fluorescence and test paper based on dual-emission fluorescent silicon nanoparticles. j hazard mater. 2020 mar 15;386:121956
zhang zy, bai hh, guo z, li hl, he yt, duan xl, suo zw, yang x, he yx, hu xd. mglur5/erk signaling regulated the phosphorylation and function of glycine receptor α1ins subunit in spinal dorsal horn of mice. plos biol. 2019 aug 21;17(8)
han jt*, zhang sp*, jia wj, zhang z, wang y, he yx#. discovery and structural analysis of a phloretin hydrolase from the opportunistic human pathogen mycobacterium abscessus. febs journal. 2019
wang y*, zhang sp*, zhang my, kempher ml, guo dd, han jt, tao x, wu y, zhang lq, he yx#. the antitoxin mqsa homolog in pseudomonas fluorescens 2p24 has a rewired regulatory circuit through evolution. environ microbiol. 2019
zhao jh, chen jh, wang y, wang zp#, he yx#. the putative compatible solute-binding protein prox from mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv: biochemical characterization and crystallographic data. acta crystallogr f struct biol commun. 2018 apr 1;74(pt 4):231-235.
yan x, yang r, zhao rx, han jt, jia wj, li dy, wang y, zhang n, wu y, zhang lq#, he yx#. the transcriptional regulator phlh modulates 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol biosynthesis in response to the biosynthetic intermediate and end product. appl environ microbiol. 2017 aug 18
li l, zhu y, zhou s, an x, zhang y, bai q, he yx#, liu h#, yao xj#. experimental and theoretical insights into the inhibition mechanism of prion fibrillation by resveratrol and its derivatives. acs chem neurosci. 2017 aug 17
sun c, yan k, han jt, tao l, lv mh, shi t, he yx, wierzba m, tax fe, li j.scanning for new bri1 mutations via tilling analysis. plant physiol. 2017 jul;174(3):1881-1896.
nan q, qian d, niu y, he yx, tong s, niu z, ma j, yang y, an l, wan d, xiang y. plant actin-depolymerizing factors possess opposing biochemical properties arising from key amino acid changes throughout evolution. plant cell. 2017 jan 25
wu d, tao x, chen zp, han jt, jia wj, zhu n, li x, wang zp#, he yx#. the environmental endocrine disruptor p-nitrophenol interacts with fkbp51, a positive regulator of androgen receptor and inhibits androgen receptor signaling in human cells. j hazard mater. 2016 apr 15;307:193-201