haiyan bu-凯发ag旗舰厅登录


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 (1)参加国家自然科学基金重点项目“青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统地上/地下反馈机制研究(40930533)” (2010.1-2013.12);

(2)参加国家科技支撑计划课题“黄河重要水源补给区(玛曲)湿地生态系统修复关键技术集成与示范推广模式研究(2009bac53b03)” (2009.6-2012.6);

(3)主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“种子大小——萌发对策权衡机制研究(lzujbky-2009-44)” (2010.1-2010.12)





1.haiyan bu, guozhen du*, xuelin chen, yifeng wang, xiuli xu and kun liu.(2009) the evolutionary significance of seed germinability in an alpine meadow on the eastern qinghai-tibet plateau. arctic, antarctic and alpine research 41(1):97-102.

2.haiyan bu, xuelin chen, xiuli xu, kun liu, shujun wen and guozhen du*. (2008)community-wide germination strategies in an alpine meadow on the eastern qinghai-tibet plateau: phylogenetic and life-history correlates. plant ecology,195:87-98.

3.haiyan bu, xuelin chen, yifeng wang, xiuli xu, kun liu and guozhen du*. (2007) germination time, other plant traits and phylogeny in an alpine meadow on the eastern qinghai-tibet plateau. community ecology 8(2): 221-227.

4.haiyan bu, xuelin chen, xiuli xu, kun liu, peng jia, and guozhen du*. (2007)seed size and germination in an alpine meadow on the eastern qinghai-tibet plateau. plant ecology 191:127-149.

5. haiyan bu, qingji ren, xiuli xu, kun liu, peng jia, shujun wen, dashuai sun, guozhen du*.(2008) seed germinating characteristics of 54 gramineous species in the alpine meadow on the eastern qinghai-tibet plateau. frontiers of biology in china 3(2)187-193.

6. liu kun, baskin jerry m., baskin carol c., bu haiyan, liu mingxia, liu wei and du guozhen. 2011. effect of storage conditions on germination of seeds of 489 species from high elevation grasslands of the eastern tibet plateau and some implications for climate change. am. j. bot. 98: 12-19.

7. 卜海燕 ,仁青吉,徐秀丽,刘坤,贾鹏,文淑均,孙大帅,杜国祯*。(2006) 青藏高原东部高寒草甸54种禾本科植物种子的萌发特性。植物生态学报30(4):624~632。

8. 徐秀丽,齐威,卜海燕,刘坤,杜国祯*。(2007)青藏高原高寒草甸40种一年生植物种子的萌发特性研究。草业学报16(3):74-80。

9. 刘振恒,徐秀丽,卜海燕,武高林。(2006)青藏高原东部常见禾本科植物种子大小变异及其与萌发的关系。草业科学23(11):53-57.

10. 宗文杰,刘 坤,卜海燕,徐秀丽,武高林。(2006) 高寒草甸51种菊科植物种子大小变异及其对种子萌发的影响研究。兰州大学学报(自然科学版)42(5):52-55。

updated:2018-12-21 | views:... |  | edit