

  • 职  称: 教授
  • 所在部门: 植物学与植物生理学研究所
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2008  美国俄克拉荷马大学植物与微生物系  博士                             

2003  四川大学生命科学院  硕士 

2000  四川大学生命科学院  学士  


2013至今     兰州大学生命科学学院  教授

2009-2013  美国加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物系  博士后

2005-2008  美国俄克拉荷马大学  教学助理

2003-2008  美国俄克拉荷马大学  研究助理



1)植物氮胁迫与氮信号(nitrogen stress and signaling in plants):氮素(nitrogen, n)作为植物营养的三大要素之一,是构成植物体多种有机化合物的基本成分。植物主要以无机态氮:铵态氮(nh4 )、硝态氮(no3-)的形式吸收氮素,而氮素会直接影响植物的各项生命活动。本团队致力于研究植物对氮素营养的感知、吸收、转运以及氮素信号应答机制,首次发现硝酸根离子外排通道slah3通过平衡植物硝态氮的吸收,在缓解植物铵盐毒害过程中发挥重要作用。主要研究方向包括三方面:a.植物对高铵氮源逆境适应的分子机理;b.植物对氮素的感知与信号转导机制;c.植物对氮素的塑性反应分子机理。

2)拟南芥类受体蛋白的生物学功能functional analyses of receptor-like proteins, rlps):细胞表面的受体激酶(receptor-like kinases, rlks)在细胞与周围环境之间的信号转导过程中起至关重要的作用。与类受体蛋白激酶不同,类受体蛋白只包含胞外识别域、跨膜域,通常缺乏胞内激酶结构域。本团队正在利用各种遗传学、分子生物学以及组学手段对rlp中尚未揭示功能的组分开展生物学功能研究。



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“硝酸根离子通道slah3参与调控植物氮-钾平衡的分子机理”(no.32170280)2022-2025,58万;
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“离子通道蛋白 slah3 调控植物对高铵和低 ph 胁迫响应的分子机理研究”、(no.31870235)2019-2022,60万;
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“拟南芥受体激酶 bak1 和 bkk1 介导细胞死亡分子机理”(no.31471305)2015-2018,80万;
  4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-自由探索-面上项目“bed1依赖 mapk 途径调节植物花序发育”(lzujbky-2016-75)2016-2017,10万;
  5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-科研创新团队培育项目“植物免疫与逆境响应的分子机制”(lzujbky-2015-ct01)2015-2016,50万;
  6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-自由探索-重点项目“拟南芥蛋白激酶 snrk1 的生物学功能研究”(lzujbky-2015-k17)2015-2016,14万;
  7. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-自由探索-面上项目“拟南芥阴离子通道蛋白介导氮平衡的分子机理”(lzujbky-2014-84)2014-2015,10万。


  1. 国家作物转基因重大专项子课题,2016zx08009-003-002,2016-2020,200万;
  2. 国家自然科学基金植物激素作用的分子机理重大研究集成项目“ bak1 调控油菜素内酯(br)信号转导及器官发育的分子机制”(91317311)2014-2015,200万。



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(*corresponding author; §contributed equally)

  • xiao c., sun, d., liu b., fang, x., li p., jiang y., he m., li j., luan s., he, k.* (2022) nitrate transporter nrt1.1 and anion channel slah3 form a functional unit to regulate nitrate-dependent alleviation of ammonium toxicity. journal of integrative plant biology, doi: 10.1111/jipb.13239
  • fang, x., zhang, y., cheng, b., luan, s.*, he, k.* (2021). evidence for the involvement of atpiezo in mechanical responses. plant signaling & behavior,  doi:10.1080/15592324.2021.1889252
  • sun, d., fang, x., xiao, c., ma, z., huang, x., su, j., li, j., wang, j., wang, s., luan, s., he, k.* (2021) kinase snrk1.1 regulates nitrate channel slah3 engaged in nitrate-dependent alleviation of ammonium toxicity. plant physiology, doi:10.1093/plphys/kiab057 

commented in: wang, p. (2021). friend or foe: how nitrate antagonizes ammonium toxicity. plant physiology, kiab095. advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiab095

  • fang, x., liu, b., shao, q., huang, x., li, j., luan, s.*, and he, k.* (2021) atpiezo plays an important role in root cap mechanotrasdiction. international journal of molecular sciences 22, 467.
  • chen, l., zhao, m., wu, z., chen, s., rojo, e., luo, j., li, p., zhao, l., chen, y., deng, j., cheng, b., he, k., gou, x., li, j., hou, s.* (2020) rna polymerase ii associated proteins regulate stomatal development through directly interacting with the stomatal transcription factors in arabidopsis thaliana. new phytologist, doi:10.1111/nph.17004
  • wu, y., gao, y., zhan, y., kui, h., liu, h., yan, l., kemmerling, b., zhou, j-m., he, k.*, li, j.* (2020) loss of the common immune coreceptor bak1 leads to nlr-dependent cell death. proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 117(43), 27044-27053.
  • lu, x., shi, h., ou, y., cui, y., chang, j., peng, l., gou, x., he, k., li, j.* (2020) rgf1-rgi1, a peptide-receptor complex, regulates arabidopsis root meristem development via a mpak signaling cascade. molecular plant 13, 1594-1607.
  • xun, q., wu, y., li, h., chang, j., ou, y., he, k., gou, x., tax, f. e., li, j.* (2020) two receptor-like protein kinases, mustaches and mustaches-like, regulate lateral root development in arabidopsis thaliana, new phytologist 227, 1157-1173.
  • chang, j., li, x., fu, w., wang, j., yong, y., shi, h., ding, z., kui, h., gou, x., he, k., li, j.* (2019) asymmetric distribution of cytokinins determines root hydrotropism in arabidopsis thaliana. cell research 29(12), 984-993.
  • li, h., cai, z., wang, x., li, m., cui, y., cui, n., yang, f., zhu, m., zhao, j., du, w., he, k., yi, j., tax, f.e., hou, s., li, j., gou, x.* (2019) serk receptor-like kinases control division patterns of vascular precursors and ground tissue stem cells during embryo development in arabidopsis. molecular plant 12(7), 984-1002.
  • lv, m., li, m., chen, w., wang, y., sun, c., yin, h., he, k., and li, j.* (2018) thermal-enhanced bri1-301 instability reveals a plasma membrane protein quality control system in plants. frontiers in plant science 9, 1620.
  • cui, y., hu, c., zhu, y., cheng, k., li, x., wei, z., xue, l., lin, f., shi, h., yi, j., hou, s., he, k., li, j., gou, x.* (2018) cik receptor kinases determine cell fate specification during early anther development in arabidopsis. plant cell 30, 2383-2401.
  • hu, c., zhu, y., cui, y., cheng, k., liang, w., wei, z., zhu, m., yin, h., zeng, li, xiao, y., lv, m., yi, j., hou, s., he, k., li, j., gou, x.* (2018). a group of receptor kinases are essential for clavata signaling to maintain stem cell homeostasis. nature plants 4, 205-211.
  • wei, z., yuan,t., tarkowská,d., kim,j., nam,h.g.,novák,o., he, k., gou, x. and li, j.* (2017) brassinosteroid biosynthesis is modulated via a transcription factor cascade of cog1, pif4 and pif5. plant physiology 174, 1260-1273.
  • gao y., wu y., du j., zhan y., sun d., zhao j., zhang s., li j. and he k.* (2017) both light-induced sa accumulation and eti mediators contribute to the cell death regulated by bak1 and bkk1. frontiers in plant science 25;8:622.
  • wei, z., yuan, t., tarkowská, d., kim, j., nam, h.g., novák, o., he, k., gou, x. and li, j. (2017) brassinosteroid biosynthesis is modulated via a transcription factor cascade of cog1, pif4 and pif5. plant physiology 174(2):1260-1273
  • he, k.*, and wu, y. (2016) receptor-like kinases and regulation of plant innate immunity. enzymes, 40:105-142
  • ou, y., lu, x., zi, q., xun, q., zhang j., wu, y., shi, h., wei, z., zhao, b., zhang, x., he, k., gou, x., li, c., li, j. (2016) rgf1 insensitive 1 to 5, a group of lrr receptor-like kinases, are essential for the perception of root meristem growth factor 1 in arabidopsis thalianacell research, 26(6), 686-698
  • chen, l., guan, l., qian, p., xu, f., wu, z., wu, y., he, k., gou, x., li, j., and hou, s. (2016) nrpb3, the third largest subunit of rna polymerase ii, is essential for stomatal patterning and differentiation in arabidopsis. development, 2016 mar 17. pii: dev.129098.
  • du, j., gao, y., zan, y., zhang, s., wu, y., xiao, y., zou, b., he, k., gou, x., li, g., lin, h., li, j. (2016) nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is essential for bak1 and bkk1-mediated cell-death control. plant journal 85(4), 520-531.
  • wu, y., xun, q., guo, y., zhang, j., cheng, k., shi, t., he, k., hou, s., gou, x., li, j. (2016) genome-wide expression pattern analyses of the arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases. molecular plant 9(2), 289-300.
  • wu, w., wu y., gao, y., li, m., yin, h., lv, m., zhao, j., li, j., he, k.* (2015) somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase 5 in the ecotype landsberg erecta of arabidopsis is a functional rd lrr-rlk in regulating brassinosteroid signaling and cell death control. frontiers in plant science 6:852. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00852
  • zheng x.§he k.§, kleist t., chen f., luan s. (2015) anion channel slah3 functions in nitrate-dependent alleviation of ammonium toxicity in arabidopsis. plant, cell and environment mar;38(3):474-86
  • hou c., tian w., kleist t., he k., garcia v., bai f., hao y., luan s., li l. (2014) duf221 proteins are a family of osmosensitive calcium-permeable cation channels conserved across eukaryotes. cell research 2014 feb 7. doi: 10.1038/cr.2014.14.
  • he k., xu s., li j. (2013) bak1 directly regulates brassinosteroid perception and bri1 activation. journal of integrative plant biology 55(12), 1264–1270. ( cover article)
  • lee sc., lim cw., lan w., he k., luan s. (2013) aba signaling in guard cells entails a dynamic protein-protein interaction relay from the pyl-rcar family receptors to ion channels. molecular plant 6:528-38.
  • gou, x.§, yin, h.§he, k.§, du, j., yi., j., xu, s. lin, h., clouse, sd., li, j. (2012) genetic evidence for an indispensable role of somatic embryogenesis receptor kinases in brassinosteroid signaling. plos genetics 8(1): e1002452. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002452.
  • li j., du j., he k., gou x. (2011). control of cell death by receptor kinases in arabidopsis thaliana. in "receptor-like kinases in plants: from development to defense (eds birgit kemmerling and frans tax)". signaling and communication in plants (ed. frantisek baluska, springer publisher), volume 13, pp79-91.
  • yang, h., gou, x., he, k., xi, d., du, j., lin, h., li, j. (2010) arabidopsis bak1 and bkk1 confer reduced susceptibility to turnip crinkle virus. european journal of plant pathology 127: 147-156.
  • gou, x., he, k., yang, h., yuan, t., lin, h., clouse, s.d., li, j. (2010) genome-wide cloning and sequence analysis of leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase genes in arabidopsis thaliana. bmc genomics 11(1):19
  • he, k., gou, x., powell, r.a., yang, h., yuan, t, guo, z., and li, j.(2008) receptor-like protein kinases, bak1 and bkk1, regulate a light-dependent cell-death control pathway. plant signaling & behavior 3 (10), 813-815.
  • ang, x., kota, u., he, k., blackburn, k., li, j., goshe, m.b., huber, s.c., and clouse, s.d.(2008) sequential transphosphorylation of the bri1/bak1 receptor kinase pair impacts early events in brassinosteroid signaling. developmental cell 15, 220-235.
  • he, k., gou, x., yuan, t., lin, h., asami, t., yoshida, s., russell, s.d., li, j. (2007) bak1 and bkk1 regulate brassinosteroid-dependent growth and brassinosteroid-independent cell death pathways. current biology 17, 1109-1115.
  • heese, a., hann, d.r., gimenez-ibanex, s., jones, a., he, k., li, j., schroeder, j.i., peck, s.c., rathjen, j.p. (2007) the receptor-like kinase serk3/bak1 is a central regulator of innate immunity in plants. proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 104, 12217-12222.
  • yuan, t., fujioka, s., takatsuto, s., matsumoto, s., gou, x., he, k., russell, s.d., and li, j.(2007) ben1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (dfr)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in arabidopsis thaliana. the plant journal 51 (2), 220–233.



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