- 职 称: 讲师
- 所在部门: 细胞生物学研究所
- 办公室: 天演楼108
- 联系电话: 18153627176
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- 电子邮件: leiwu@
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1. 拟南芥蛋白ckrw1参与调控内源生长素稳态的分子机理
2. 组蛋白h2b单泛素化修饰调控内源生长素稳态的分子机理
1. luo p#*, di dw#*, wu l, yang j, lu y, shi w. micrornas are involved in regulating plant development and stress response through fine-tuning of tir1/afb-dependent auxin signaling. int. j. mol. sci., 2022, 23(1), 510.
2. wang jl, liang ly, lang n, li yy, guo w, cui j, zou yj, liu hq, fei qh, li xf, guo gq, wu l*. an improved plant crispr-cas9 system for generating cas9-free multiplex mutants. biotechnol & biotechnol equipment, 2021, 35(1): 1850-1857
3. lang n, liang ly, wang jl, wu l*. crispr/cas9-enabled multiplex gene editing in plant research. fenzi zhiwu yuzhong (molecular plant breeding), 2021, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.s.20210722.1032.002.html
4. liu hq, zou yj, li xf, wu l, guo gq*. stablization of acos by natb mediated n-terminal acetylation is required for ethylene homeostasis. bmc plant biol., 2021, 21(1), 320
5. wu l, wang jl, li xf, guo gq*. cytokinin-controlled gradient distribution of auxin in arabidopsis root tip. int. j. mol. sci., 2021, 22(8), 3874
6. zhang l, luo p, bai j, wu l, di dw, liu hq, li jj, liu yl, khaskheli aj, zhao cm*, guo gq*. function of histone h2b monoubiquitination in transcriptional regulation of auxin biosynthesis in arabidopsis. commun biol., 2021, 4(1), 206
7. zhang j, hafeez mt, di dw, wu l, zhang l*. precise control of aba signaling through post-translational protein modification. plant growth regul., 2019, 88(2), 99–111
8. fei qh, zhang jh, zhang zr, wang yx, liang ly, wu l, gao hh, sun yl, niu bt, li xf*. effects of auxin and ethylene on root growth adaptation to different ambient temperatures in arabidopsis. plant sci., 2019, 281, 159-172
9. fei qh, liang ly, li f, zhang l, li yx, guo ym, wu l, meng xq, gao hh*, li xf*. transcriptome profiling and phytohormone responses of arabidopsis roots to different ambient temperatures. j. plant interact., 2019, 14(1), 314-323,
10. wang l*, yu dl, zhang hw, he ly, wu l. ortho-topolin riboside induces apoptosis in acute myeloid leukemia hl-60 cells. mol. cell toxicol, 2016, 12, 159-166
11. di dw, wu l, zhang l, an cw, zhang tz, luo p, gao hh, kriechbaumer v, guo gq*. functional roles of arabidopsis ckrc2/yucca8 gene and the involvement of pif4 in the regulation of auxin biosynthesis by cytokinin. sci. rep., 2016, 6, 36866
12. di dw#*, wu l#, luo p, zhang l, zhang tz, sun x, wei sd, an cw, guo gq. analysis the role of arabidopsis ckrc6/asa1 in auxin and cytokinin biosynthesis. journal of plant biology, 2016, 59(2): 162~171
13. wu l#, luo p#, di dw#, wang l, wang m, lu ck, wei sd, zhang l, zhang tz, amakorová p, mrvkovám, nováko, guo gq*. forward genetic screen for auxin-deficient mutants by cytokinin. sci. rep., 2015. 5, 11923
14. wu l#, zhou zy#, zhang cg#, chai j, zhou q, wang l, hirnerová e, mrvková m, novák o, guo gq*. functional roles of three cutin biosynthetic acyltransferases in cytokinin responses and skotomorphogenesis. plos one, 2015, 10(3): e0121943
15. wu l*, di dw, zhang d, song b, luo p, guo gq. frequent problems and their resolutions by using thermal asymmetric interlaced pcr (tail-pcr) to clone genes in arabidopsis t-dna tagged mutants. biotechnol & biotechnol equipment, 2015, 29(2): 260-267
16. zhou zy#, zhang cg#, wu l, zhang cg, chai j, wang m, jha a, jia pf, cui sj, yang m,chen r*, guo gq*. 2011. functional characterization of the ckrc1/taa1 gene and dissection of hormonal actions in the arabidopsis root. plant j., 2011, 66(3), 516–527